Tuesday 3 December 2013

Alumni Tie for SALE....Fame is immortal and class is permanent

Fame is immortal. That is what im thinking about wide-spread reputation. Rather the realisation that SASER is retaining their record of being one of the best school in Malaysia academically really needs more than just academic strength. they need an identity to be "well-known"

the new neck-tie designed by the alumnus was specifically to show the unique image of saser. Harvard are well-known with Crimson Red, CalTech is orange and UiTM is purple. SASER? The combination of unity, royal-loyalty and technicality has brought up into the combination of blue, yellow and green respectively.

the identity of SASER is yet to be strong as the alumni body is just merely a walking baby, but in years to come it will become stronger and proud but it needs a push, the necktie project was launched few days ago and being sold for all SASERians, Alumnus, Teachers or even non-SASERians for a wider coverage of SASER influence. its design is simple yet formal, it will be brilliant for all events especially for reunions or interviews. this project will be a perfect push for the new-born alumni organisation.

the price of the necktie is 40 MYR with additional postage of  8 MYR. for overseas students who want this the postage rate will differs according to FedEx. here's the additional info about the neck-tie

TieProject Saseroba

Postage + RM8
-Termasuk kotak ekslusif berwarna hitam (dalam gambar)
-Estimation delivery time 5/1/2014
-Sebahagian perolehan akan disumbangkan kepada tabung SASEROBA
-Design akan kekal sehingga bila bila InsyaAllah.

Pembayaran boleh dibuat di Akaun Maybank berikut:

Nama: Muhammad Hariz Bin Muhamad Nasir
Account Number : 162731051071

Cara menempah :
1. Email / Whatsapp / Message salah seorang dari kami (Stock Availability)
2. Bank in thru Cash Deposit Machine / Maybank2U - 162731051071 (Maybank)
Muhammad Hariz Muhamad Nasir
3. .Confirmkan Pembayaran dengan kami (Siapa yang dihubungi utk check stock Availability). SIla Printscreen Transaction ataupun hantar gambar resit.

Salahuddin Saufry : 012-7770746 , saufryhamzah@live.com
Hariz Nasir aka Puchong : hariznasir@gmail.com

P/S: Ketua Batch setiap batch sila hubungi kami secepat mungkin. Terima Kasih.


Saser Namamu Teratas. Takkan Saser Hilang Takhta.

box, for storage.

Sunday 26 May 2013

This is it : UNITEN

Waaahh setelah conquista di UTP menyambung pengajian ke Undergraduate (UG) studies kini giliran Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) pula menyeru siswa siswi mereka ke medan perjuangan UG pada 27 May. Of course our SASER students batch 9 are included in the call of continuing their studies.

Monday 20 May 2013

UTP : A New Journey...... Begins

salam semua!

Baru baru ini para conquixta yang melanjutkan pelajaran dlm program asasi selama sethn telah menamatkan program itu dengan jaya nya. From PASUM, PALAM (serta asasi undang2 uitm shah alam) and UPM and also UNIMAS, they have ample of time to relax when they have almost 5 months of holiday.

Monday 13 May 2013

Yakin? Atau puas?


Allah berfirman dalam Surah Al Ankabut ayat ke 69.

Dan orang-orang yang berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh kerana memenuhi kehendak ugama Kami, sesungguhnya Kami akan memimpin mereka ke jalan-jalan Kami (yang menjadikan mereka bergembira serta beroleh keredhaan) dan sesungguhnya (pertolongan dan bantuan) Allah adalah berserta orang-orang yang berusaha membaiki amalannya.